Top 10 Therapy Tips

Here’s the top 10 things you should know about psychotherapy

  1. Good therapy is directed, and goal specific.
  2. A good psychotherapist makes sure you feel you are in control of what you want to work on, supported and being provided with the direction you need.
  3. Most underestimate the importance of feeling supported in dealing with a problem.  When you have someone to help you work through a problem
  4. Psychotherapy isn’t just about presenting problems, more and more practitioners are including positive psychology research and exercises to help build Use your benefits
  5. Therapists are expert relators
  6. We all have our biases and personal lenses.  We all benefit from an objective point of view helping us explore our positions
  7. Other benefits that used to be included in your policy are now extra.  There are no longer benefits to help you care for dependents, complete housekeeping and home maintenance tasks and repairs, or have someone care for you if you are unable to care for yourself. 
  8. People often can’t get the legal help, or treatment from public health that they need because they don’t have coverages in place that support those expenses.
  9. People who access appropriate treatment generally do better than those who don't. Early treatment is associated with shorter periods of disability and better outcomes including faster return to work. 
  10. Rehabilitation counselling/psychotherapy professionals help you, and in some cases other family members, deal with the fear and uncertainty that often lead to more serious emotional complications.

Need help dealing with your accident and related injuries? We have the rehabilitation team needed to help you including psychotherapy, case management, psychological assessment and treatment, occupational therapy, rehabilitation therapists, personal trainers, and vocational assessors.